Monday, August 4, 2008

Acne severe adult and how to clear up hormonal acne

Vitamin A which is the main substance of Retin A (a popular acne medication) is found naturally in carrots, spinach, apricots and cantaloupes. A diet of too much Vitamin A can cause joint pain and birth defects so it is important not to have too much Vitamin A in your diet.
Treating your acne condition with all those acne medications will make your skin feel harsh. Irritations occur easily when you undertake strong acne medication. For this reason, you should use aloe vera to rejuvenate and pamper your face. It is more advisable to have your own aloe vera plant in your own home garden. Aloe vera is also quite effective as a way to relieve your acne condition alone. With tons of minerals and nutrients, it is capable of moisturizing your skin, reducing acne breakouts, and preventing future acne while healing your acne scars.
My own son is a prime example of this - he is lucky in that his acne is quite mild, but it does have a huge effect on his confidence and his self-esteem, and that has a major effect on his life. When he has spots, he follows this regimen diligently for as long as it takes for his face to clear, but no matter how much I remind and encourage him to carry on treating, the frequency of his treatment drops off and eventually stops which means his acne returns - it's a vicious cycle. If you recognize yourself in the above paragraph, don't feel too bad about it - welcome to the club!
tags: acne scar home remedies, acne on my vagina, birth control causing acne

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