Thursday, October 2, 2008

St ives peel off hydroxy masque acne treatment

« ...The second ingredient that you should seek out when it comes to acne treatments for the skin is Benzoyl Peroxide. Individuals who are prescribed acne medication will often find that this ingredient is listed. This is because it has been deemed as an appropriate ingredient for successfully treating and eliminating acne. This ingredient reaches down deep into the pores and pulls out all of the debris that is blocking those pores and resulting in acne outbreaks. It not only cleans the skin and the pores, but it also works to replenish the skin in such a manner that maximum health can be achieved....
...3. Don't touch those zits....»
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«...Another acne medication that achieves this at the cellular level is Vitamin A itself. This dries the skin and flakes off the dead cells. Another is benzoyl peroxide, found in acne treatments such as Clearasil Max and Proactive. This not only flakes off dead skin cells but also possesses mild antibacterial properties. However, these acne treatments can also dry up the skin of some people and turn it flaky....»
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tags: acne care natural skin, homeopathic acne remedies, how much mg of b5 to cure acne

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I suggest that no matter how severe your particular case of acne is, you buy this acne skin care product. It has worked wonders for me and will no doubt do the same for you. dermatology laser